Eye Concerns


Infection or Conjunctivitis

     Also sometimes called "pinkeye", this is more often seen during the summer months and during fly season. Although it appears painful and often has a yellowish discharge which covers the swollen eye, the condition can luckily be remedied rapidly with a sterile cleansing of the eye and the treatment of a topical ointment from your veterinarian.

     Tips for applying eye ointment:  With clean fingers, pull out the bottom lid of the eye so it forms a little pocket.  If using an ointment, squeeze a bead of ointment along the bottom lid, close the eye and rub gently to spread it into the eye.  If using eye drops, just drop the liquid medication into the "eye pocket".  This is best done with the llama in a restraining chute.  If you don't have a chute and are doing it by yourself, tie the llama snugly to a post so he can't move around.  Giving him a handful of grain before and after administering the medication may help him not object as much.


If the swelling and discharge persists, the cause may also be from a foreign body in the eye, 
environmental irritants, or parasites and should be further checked by your veterinarian.


Blue Eyes ..... 

Most llamas and alpacas have dark eyes in shades of brown.  Sometimes there is a dark gray or blue.  The eye color that is of concern is a very
light icy blue or near white.  Sometimes called a "glass eye".  Most
breeders do  not prefer this eye coloring and may not use a blue-eyed
animal in their breeding program as they may produce offspring with
this trait.  The blue eye is thought to be possibly inherited.

Does a blue eye result in deafness?
This theory has not been proven!  But it has been found that in some
cases a pure white alpaca will be deaf .  A pure white alpaca is one
with absolutely no coloration anywhere on the body.  This may or may
not hold true for pure white llamas as well.


Quotes from Dr. Anderson..........
"We have found that the fact that they have blue eyes actually has little to do with deafness other than 
the fact that it increases the likelihood that they are deaf if they have a white hair coat."

Showing ....... A blue eye is the absence of pigmentation in the eye.  In the show ring, a blue eye may be looked at as a blemish - not a fault or defect.  Although a blue eye is not thought to be a desirable trait by
the majority of breeders, an animal with a blue eye can still place well in the show ring if deserving.
The blue eye is thought to be possibly inherited.

See more info about blue eyes and deafness here.

 Drooping Eyelid .....
Some lamas tend to exhibit the drooping eye when they are somewhat stressed. This can also be a genetic trait and you will notice it the majority of the time. If you only notice it on occasion, notice what is happening each time - the animal is probably showing a slight stress to the situation. If the lid continues to droop even in the times of relaxation, the animal is probably prone to drooping lids. Not the best trait in the world, but not earth shattering either.


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